How did you become the Savvy Sister that you are today?
I'm Brandie Speed, entrepreneur and mother of 6. Spiritual guide, meditation & yoga instructor, striving to spread love and light to the people that need healing. I once was in the dark and through spiritual and metaphysical practices I healed myself - came out like a champ!
What keeps you going when things get tough?
What keeps me going when things get tough is staying in a constant state of gratitude. Acknowledging that each day is a gift, a blessing and opportunity to be greater than the day before.
What's one of the biggest lessons you've learned since starting your own business?
One thing I learned about starting my own business is to be patient and stay focused on your development and services.
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give younger you?
If I could go back and give my younger self advice, the best advice would be "love yourself, because no one will love you like you".
What are three of your greatest strengths?
My ability to love
What's your go to stress reliever?
My go to stress reliever would be meditation. Dialing in with self and releasing tension through breath work is such a relaxing feeling.
What's something you're currently celebrating?
I am currently celebrating the launch of my online store New Age Namaste. It has been a long journey, but I am so grateful to be able to provide supplies to my faithful meditation clients to help encompass their spiritual journey.
Follow Brandie on Instagram! @only1realb