How did you become the Savvy Sister that you are today?
Hey! My name is Jenna Leigh Miller and I am a Social Media Manager. I also own a Theatre & Brand Coaching business- Problem Solved!
I am based in New York City and I am an Actress. When COVID hit I lost all my performing contracts & my day jobs in one swoop. At first I loved the free time, but like most entrepreneurs, I got bored. Fast. Problem Solved was always a side job but with the extra time that quarantine granted me, I was able to commit full time!
After I started taking my brand on Social Media seriously, other accounts started to notice & asked if I would run their page. Now I have a full roster of amazing Social Media Management clients.
COVID truly forced me to become savvy in my own way, create jobs that weren't there before. And now when theatre comes back I have 2 day jobs that I actually love doing. Talk about a blessing in disguise!
What keeps you going when things get tough?
Before I started Problem Solved, I used to help my friends find new auditions, monologues and song for free! All I wanted to do was help other artists. That hasn't change since day one.
I truly believe in community over competition. When we lift each other up, we all win. This is one of the reasons I wanted to do this interview - Sydney does an amazing job of lifting up other entrepreneurs.
What's one of the biggest lessons you've learned since starting your own business?
If you want to do it the hard way, do it by yourself.
You know that saying, "It takes a village." They were right! I didn't start seeing accelerated growth until I hired help!
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give younger you?
I would tell her to not be so stubborn & let other folks help once and a while.
Things would have happened a lot faster if I learned that sooner.
What are three of your greatest strengths?
Oh, I love this question, because I tend to avoid thinking about this stuff! HA!
1- Positivity
2- Ability to adapt to different situations in a short amount of time
3- Planner (Hey, fellow Type A's!)
What's your go to stress reliever?
Well, it used to be going to see a Broadway show or trying a new bar in Downtown Manhattan, but now I normally go to a puzzle, reading Cosmo, & binging some Netflix.
Hello quarantine life.
What's something you're currently celebrating?
I am grateful I have a roof over my head, my health & for all my clients that believe in me.
Follow Jenna on Instagram! @JennaLeighMiller