How did you become the Savvy Sister that you are today?
I love that question. Picture a married lady of a military soldier and mother of three adult children, who is colorful, creative, free-spirited, yet does not allow her liberties to hinder others, an entrepreneur, author, writing coach, publisher, a multi-faceted writer who is a director and producer, and to top it off a pastry chef delivering delicious delectables and sweet joy to others; I am her and she is me. I became savvy due to wanting more for myself and out of life. I wanted to dictate life and not have life to dictate me.
What keeps you going when things get tough?
On this journey, I've sometimes learned your why isn't enough, so how do I keep going during tough times? I have a healthy and robust support base. Many times I threw my hands up and was ready to walk away and live a life of normalcy. However, it was in those times my husband and friends prayed for me and gave me tough love. At the end of the day, God knew I wasn't going to stop because it was Him who gave me the vision. My "why" wasn't enough, being motivated and inspired wasn't sufficient, although it helped it couldn't sustain me through everything I was facing. I trusted what God showed me that I'm destined to do, and that is what helps me. The absolute joy that engulfs me when I mentor aspiring writers, writing my books, allowing my imagination to run wild, and when I'm on stage bringing joy to others, assures me that I'm destined for this life!
What's one of the biggest lessons you've learned since starting your own business?
One of the lessons I learned in business is to be sensitive to how God is leading you. There is so much great and knowledgable information on the market that it can be difficult to know whether you're coming or going or if that particular strategy is for you or not. I had to shut out all the noise to hear God's instruction that is tailormade for me. It's cool to gain the knowledge and skill you need but make sure it's balanced and customized just for you.
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give younger you?
I would tell younger me to put your vision first above all else, get started younger, keep tabs on your mental health and deal with yourself, and stop being easily offended if you want to win in this life. When you take these steps, you win!
What are three of your greatest strengths?
My greatest strengths are helping and assisting people with their vision, being able to listen to people without being ready to respond, and making people smile and laugh. It's like what Maya Angelou said, "People forget what you've done for them but they will never forget how you made them feel."
What's your go to stress reliever?
My stress relievers are traveling to various places with my husband and being a kid again, playing video games, and binge-watching a new show.
What's something you're currently celebrating?
I'm celebrating ME! For many years, I helped and celebrated others to the point where I was left on the backburner. I was upset with God for not being where I thought I should have been by now but He pointed out that it was because of the choices I made so I had to change some things. I'm in a new place now and I'm good - completing projects and pushing them out one by one. I feel accomplished and so much better about myself. I am Keisha Lapsley and she is me!
Follow Keisha on Instagram! @authorkeishalapsley